Trademark Registration from a San Francisco Trademark Attorney

New “MyUSPTO” Portal Gives Trademark Registration a Boost

I was pleasantly surprised when I recently went to the USPTO website and found a new portal called “MyUSPTO.” The portal allows a user to create an account and then store payment information and even import previous registrations filed.

The ability to import previously filed registrations is a real boon because it allows users to track not only registrations winding their way through the process but also those on a post-registration docket. These are just two of the trademark-related widgets that can be added to the dashboard; other options include the “Trademark Official Gazette watch” from which saved searches can be run automatically when a new issue comes out, and a “Trademark Alerts” widget for receiving updates from the USPTO. There are also “general” widgets for having things like the most current fee schedule and the system status right at your finger tips.

The portal is currently in “Alpha” mode so there may be hiccups here and there (I have not encountered any). However, the team tasked with implementing the portal is very responsive. I made a comment that the “Financial Manager” function for storing payment information should be made into a widget, and I got a same-day response offering to help me find the function, and that my suggestions would be taken under consideration.

Now we just need to get the U.S. Copyright Office to update its clunky, dated “eCO” copyright registration portal!

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